Our Experience with Holding Company Naming
A Name For Wall Street, the Press and Your Investors
A holding company, sometimes referred to as a parent company, is a business entity that exists for the primary purpose of owning and managing subsidiaries or other businesses and investments. Like new company naming or renaming, holding company naming is complicated as it is often a reflection of the management team, a badge for employees, and a message to investors. Additionally, holding company names must thread the needle of being worthy as an umbrella over other names in the portfolio while being broad enough to support the message of the business the holding company supports.
A new name enables a holding company to communicate more equitably with its employees, both within its existing brands and potential future acquisitions, as well as to clearly convey its new acquisition approach to Wall Street and the media. Therefore, it is imperative that a holding company name possesses the versatility to grow with the business over time. Serving as the overarching brand for the entire corporate structure, it should also mirror the fundamental values, vision and objectives of the business.
Companies choose to collaborate with branding experts, like our team, to ensure the selected name aligns with their business strategy and complies with relevant legal regulations. In our 15 years as a specialized naming agency, PS212 has produced numerous holding company names. In the case of the parent company, Tapestry the C-Suite decided to replace the Coach Inc. name with a new holding company name, keeping the Coach company focused as a consumer brand only. We gave them the name Tapestry, with tapestries representing some of the world’s most expressive, expansive, and beautiful works of art. As a new holding company name, it stands for multiple cultures and brands (most recently Michael Kors) being woven together through colorful, common threads of integrity.
Contact us to learn more about our experience with holding company naming.
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