Origin of Names: Volvo
Ever wonder how the Volvo name got rolling (literally)?
In 1915, Swedish ball bearing and seal manufacturer Svenska Kullagerfabriken (SKF) created a subsidiary to provide the raw materials needed to support this growing industry. SKF wanted the name of the subsidiary to be simple to understand, easy to pronounce, and symbolic of the company’s origins. They named it Volvo which originates from the Latin verb ‘volvere’ meaning “to roll.” From 'volvere' we get 'volvo' or “I roll.”
The subsidiary came to a rolling stop in 1920. It would be six years until we’d see Volvo name again. It was reborn as the car company we know today when SKF decided to start manufacturing their own cars in 1926. The Volvo name is simple, smart, and symbolic of its origins. It also rolls off the tongue.